2020 Annual Meeting Minutes & Breed Show results

Our Chapter's annual meeting was held on March 7, 2020 and hosted by Dan Crusey in Marysville, Ohio. Seventeen members attended along with many family members, friends and canines. 

Among other business, votes were cast for the 2020 GNA Executive Committee offices. Great Lakes Chapter Breed Warden Chris Wasserman is planning to graciously carry our results to the National Meeting which is currently scheduled to take place in Estes Park, Colorado, in May.

Meeting Minutes

As submitted by Dan Carlisle


The regular meeting of the GLC was called to order at 1:10 PM on 7 March 2020 in Marysville, Ohio by Kathleen Gannon.


Kathleen Gannon – Chair
Ivan Birkenstock
 – Vice Chair
Open – Business Manager
Chris Wasserman – Breedwarden
Dan Crusey – Test Director

Approval of Agenda

The agenda was unanimously approved as distributed.

Approval of Minutes

There were no minutes available from the 2019 meeting. Kathleen had a family emergency and the position of business manager was vacant. Motion to wave.

Executive Committee

  • Kathleen Gannon announced there are three GLC members in the performance judge’s apprenticeship program. Dan Carlisle has completed the program and will begin judging this spring. Joe Beiter and Jim Smith are close to completion and will be judging very soon.
  • Ivan Birkenstock Thanked Dan Crusey for providing the facility for our Breed show and annual meeting.
  • Chris Wasserman reported GLC produced 67 puppies in 2019 3% were Schwsch the lowest % in GNA.
  • Breeders let Chris know if you have someone scheduled to tattoo your puppies so he can pass on the info to the national Breed warden.
  • GNA is suggesting you allow 80 days for your HN card to be processed. HN cards should be mailed to Cal Bambrough.
  • Dan Crusey; GLC has two VJP scheduled for 2020 Plymouth, Indiana April 4th,5th and Marysville, Ohio April 18th,19th. Both test overfilled and Dan encouraged members to find new grounds for additional tests. Dan will help find test directors and judges for any new test.

New Business

  • A committee is being formed to find the best location to host the VDD-GNA annual meeting. Dan Crusey was the chair of the 2004 meeting in Pioneer and will share his information with the new chair.
  • 50th year jubilee Book. Marty Ryan forwarded the info from the 40th year mark and it needs to be updated; we are looking for a volunteer to edit it.
  • Dan Crusey will be selling tickets for the Merkel Armbruster gun.
  • The Business Manager position was vacant and the board called for nominations. Dan Carlisle was nominated by Max Leonard and Jim Smith second the motion.
  • Kathleen Gannon announced a new assistant to the board, Lyndon Roeller, as newsletter editor and webmaster. Also introducing the idea of a new standalone website, in addition to the subdomain of the national website.
  • Kathleen Gannon suggested reinstating the GLC gun raffle, annual meeting auction and Draht wars. Max Leonard made a motion to pay up to $1500.00 for the purchase of the auction gun. Shane Deford second the motion. Marty Ryan is looking into a facility to host the Draht wars.
  • Dan Crusey presented the idea of a camping weekend with families and dogs at his place this summer. There is plenty of area for dog training and a pond for the kids. Expense for the club was estimated at $800.00-$1200.00. Jim Smith made the motion and Max Leonard second the motion.
  • Jim Jones announced Armbruster evaluations can be done at a VJP if the dog qualifies by score.
  • GLC is going to purchase a traveling trophy for each VJP, the trophy will go to the high scoring dog. Max Leonard made a motion to purchase two trophies and Shane Deford second the motion.

Open discussion of candidates for GNA Executive Committee offices

2020 VDD-GNA election

(results will be delivered to National Meeting). 

Fall Test 2020

Combination HZP-VGP in Highland, Mi. first weekend of October. Looking for volunteers to help with logistics. 2021 GLC annual meeting. Possible 2-day event with VJP training at the rabbit pen.


Meeting was adjourned at 3:00 by Kathleen Gannon. Max Leonard made a motion to adjourn and Jim Husband second the motion.

Breed Show Results

A breed show accompanied the annual meeting. We'd like to thank Senior Judge Mike Talbot and judges Mike Fortner and Johnathan Prescott. After each test, the judges included presentations explaining how each dog was evaluated.




Riggs vom Eisbarteich

Ivan Berkenstock


Beowulf vom Flooded Timber

Chad Hop


Basko v.d. Grasfluren

Will Good


Delta v.d. Landstrassen

Chris Wasserman
