2023 Great Lakes Chapter Annual Meeting

The 2023 GLC Annual Meeting was held on Friday, March 24th at the St. Joseph Valley Beagle Club in Plymouth, Indiana. The event started at 5PM and took place inside the clubhouse. Catered dinner was provided for all attendees. The event was live streamed on Zoom for all those who could not attend.  

Meeting Minutes:


The Great Lakes Chapter of VDD-GNA was called to order at 6:00 Pm on March/24/2023 in Plymouth, IN. by Kathleen Gannon.

Kathleen Gannon-Chair
Ivan Birkenstock-Vice Chair
Dan Carlisle- Business Manager
Jim Smith- Director of Testing
Lyndon Roeller- Assistant to the Board

Approval of Agenda
The agenda was unanimously approved as distributed.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.
Old Business

Lyndon Roeller gave a DrahtFest 2022 Annual Meeting Recap
Draw more people: 101 official guests registered
Don’t Lose money: The GLC paid for all of the events and the expenses of the VDD-GNA BOD.
Expenses were $33,766.80
Income was $35,308.00
Net Total $1541.20
50% chapter split $770.60
The Midwest North Chapter is going to continue with The Drahtfest at The Wisconsin Dells for 2023.

The Financial Report was given by Dan Carlisle

Beginning Balance: $7571.08
4/19/2022 2- Laptops/ Test Directors -$845.44 $6725.64
5/24/2022 Drahtfest merchandise -$972.00 $5753.64
9/4/2022 2-Printers/Test Directors -$314.12 $5439.52
9/13/2022 50% Drahtfest auction $770.60 $6210.12
9/13/2022 Stipend (GNA Meeting) $1000.00 $7210.12
9/22/2022 Bird crates $156.78 $7053.34
Motion to accept Financial Report: Joel Williams
2nd to accept: Max Lenhard
Dan Carlisle: Current GLC membership is at 146.
Lyndon Roeller gave an update on the GLC Website.
$5655.00 Total sales
TESTING: Jim Smith

2 HZP last fall 2022
Hastings, MI. 6 TESTED -4 PASSED
Litchfield, MI. 5 TESTED-5 PASSED
1 HZP Planned for 2023
Hastings, MI.
We could use more grounds for another HZP this fall.
Motion to accept Test Report: Max Lenhard
2nd to accept: Will Good


Kathleen announced GLC Awards

Jim Jones, Dan Crusey, Matt VanTilburg, Terry Adkins, and Todd Seiler.
Todd Wilbright, Chris Wasserman

The VDD-GNA (SPC) was formed in August 2022 and given a deadline of May 8th, 2023. The deadline was set so that results could be shared at the VDD-GNA Annual Meeting on June 1st-4th, 2023.
13 Members from the VDD-GNA chapters were appointed by their chairperson to join the (SPC). Lyndon Roeller has been appointed to represent the GLC.
1) They will Formulate a Mission and Vision Statement for GNA for the Next Decade.
2) Address Problems Facing GNA and Offer Some Solutions to these Problems.
Kennel Requirements:
Any comments on the subject should be directed to the BOD before May 8th so it can be presented at the Annual Meeting.


1) In a VGP using a racoon instead of a fox for the drag and fox in the box would carry a maximum score of 3.
2) Use of JAPA instead of PAPK for Test Directors.
3) Breed Show judges should attend a CE every two years like performance judges.
Scott Lover suggested The Delaware State Park north of Columbus, OH. It is a registered dog training area that has ample fields and water. Going to have one of the local performance judges inspect the grounds.
Will Good is looking into several game areas in MI.
Jim Smith talked about the possibility of a shot bird instead of feathered game drags for HZP. The shot bird option requires less acreage for drag fields.
Scott Lover volunteered to be the Chairman of the meeting committee.
Alan Hogan volunteered to help.
Ways to keep members involved.
Chad Hop has hosted a grouse hunting camp in MI. the last couple of years for members. He said it did not draw as many people as he thought it would.
Joel Williams mentioned the possibility of a chukar challenge at his place in the off season (Dec, Jan, Feb).
Stephen Rogers suggested contacting members before each test to encourage them to help with the test.
Lyndon can send emails to the membership. Just write up your email and send it to him and he will forward it to the members.
Stephen Rogers asked what is the process for hosting an event? Kathleen responded, Testing-Jim Smith. Anything else-contact a BOD member.


Chris Wasserman stepped down as GLC Breed warden
The new position will run through 2026.
Breed warden responsibilities were read by Lyndon.
Nominations were Joel Williams and Scott Lover. Both nominees have been in contact with Mike Schell (GNA Breed warden).
24 Ballots were collected from the membership.
Scott Lover was voted in as the new GLC Breed warden.
Motion to Adjourn: Max Lenhard
Second motion: Chad Hop

Minutes submitted by:
Dan Carlisle

 2023 Great Lakes Chapter Annual Meeting Minutes (PDF)