JGHV Press Release & Brandt Harty Update

Image courtesy Scott Brosier Pine Hill Sportsman's Club

We've received a press release from our testing organization the Jagdgebrauchshundverband (or JGHV). Reprinted below in its entirety. 

Although disappointing, we're glad to have good communication from the organization and respect their rationale. We look forward to hearing more about the proposed emergency testing solution which could start July 16th. 

Update from Brandt Hardy

In other news, VDD-GNA Chairman Brandt Hardy confirmed the VDD in Germany has decided to cancel their annual Hegewald event. Group North America leadership will make a decision about whether to hold our Hegewald equivalent, the Armbruster in, "the next couple of weeks". Finally Brandt confirmed, "The annual meeting is not going to occur in person. I am negotiating with VDD to allow for an abbreviated meeting remotely including voting to seat the next Executive Board." 

JGHV Press Release on "Spring Testing 2020":

(April 8, 2020)
No further spring tests in spring 2020!

Against the backdrop of the development and tense situation associated with the new coronavirus, the Executive Board (Präsidium) of the Jagdgebrauchshundverband e.V. (JGHV) decided on April 7, 2020, in very close consultation with numerous breed clubs and representatives of the Jagdgebrauchshundevereine, to ask its member clubs, in spring 2020—even after April 19, 2020—to conduct no further spring tests. This ruling applies in all German federal states (Bundesländer) and for member associations abroad. It is also to be applied where there are no official restrictions.

The natural ability tests of the breed clubs in the spring are an indispensable element of breeding management. Before the current testing restrictions, only 30 (!) tests could be held out of the approximately 520 Verbandsjugendprüfungen (VJP) conducted annually. As a result, approximately 3% of the age group has been tested so far. The percentages for further spring tests (including Derby, natural ability tests by special breeding clubs with track work) in the JGHV are almost identical. Even with the greatest organizational effort, it is therefore impossible to test the required proportion of young dogs for qualified breeding—across all the breeds—in the timespan until the beginning of May - always on the condition that this would be legally possible at all.

These facts and the JGHV's ongoing duty to care for dog handlers, judges and their families, but also the desire for equal treatment and solidarity, do not allow any other decision, when viewed rationally. In addition, it should not be forgotten, especially for first-time handlers, it was not and is currently not possible to properly prepare their dogs without adequate training days. With the decision made by the JGHV Executive Board, there is now planning certainty for organizers and participants regarding the spring tests.

The JGHV will soon present concerned breed clubs with a test "Emergency solution (Notlösung) track work - Corona 2020" for written vote. The test includes the work on the hare track with possible determination of Laut and the confirmation of gun stability; it shall be offered from July 16th of the year (until Nov. 15th) as a one- time emergency solution for 2020. The breed clubs of the JGHV will, for their respective breed, present possible approaches that shall ensure that the dogs from the test year 2020 can find their way into breeding through appropriate special regulations.

As a result, the JGHV and its affiliated breed clubs base their considerations on the hope that in the summer the pandemic situation will allow orderly testing, albeit with the appropriate precautionary measures.