Learn how to fill out the Formblatt 1 for the HZP correctly (with Joe Beiter!)
Great Lakes Chapter member and JGHV Performance Judge Joe Beiter has seen some pretty poor Formblatt 1 test entries recently. Here are some helpful tips so you can fill out the Formblatt 1 correctly.
Remember, the JGHV is a German system, accuracy and attention to detail count. Sure we'd all rather be out training and hunting our dogs but if you plan ahead and take the time to do this right, you help yourself and all the volunteers hosting and judging these tests.
From Joe:
See below for a partially filled out Formblatt 1. The areas I filled in seem to be the most common mistakes I have seen on entries.
First off:
- Entries are sent to Test Director... not Test Coordinator.
- PLEASE READ THE COMMENT COLUMN in the VDD-GNA test calendar for the test you are entering regarding submitting your entry either by email or hard copies mailed to TD. Also read how to submit your payment
- Your entries need to be filled in correctly. Your entries are either RIGHT or REJECTED.
- A fully completed and signed Formblatt 1 (link to download on the VDD-GNA website). The JGHV group/club number for VDD-GNA is 2135.
- A photocopy of both sides of the dog’s green Ahnentafel, with all entries up-to-date.
- Email confirmation of Online Test Payment via the webstore after the Test Director confirms your spot in test, OR a check/money order for the amount of the entry fee made out to VDD-GNA
- You must include copies of all prior test results with your entry.
Other information:
- HZP, without hare track
- VDD-GNA and our club # is 2135
- The ZB-Nr for pup entered is beneath it's name on Ahnentafel
- The ZB-Nr for Muter and Vater are directly beneath the dog's name on back of Ahnentafel 6 digits
- The DGStB-Nr (stud book # for passing VGP) (if present is to the right of name of Muter or Vater) 5 digits
- Licensed hunter and hunting license # required
- Date, Location and Test Score from your VJP
- Email required