Marysville, Ohio VJP Test Results (April 10 & 11, 2021)

The Great Lakes Chapter hosted the second of our three spring VJP "Puppy Tests" in Marysville, Ohio April 10 and 11, 2021.

Both days resulted in excellent test scores. We're happy to report 9 more puppies are now one step closer to confirmation. Congratulations to all dogs and handlers.

We must once again thank our host, Test Director and Test Coordinator Dan Crusey. He has been hosting both VJPs and HZPs at his farm for approximately 18 years (!) and has helped our Chapter and countless Drahts along the way. Beyond that, he's been able to consistently maintain a rabbit population on his testing grounds that rivals any in the country. Hats off to Dan for all his generosity, efforts and skill.

We would also like to thank judges Jim Jones, Marty Ryan, Joe Beiter and apprentice judge Rick Beale (who came all the way from Virginia... we were not envying his drive home Sunday night). These judges give up many weekends and  travel extensively to ensure our dogs have the opportunity to succeed. 

Saturday weather was excellent. Sunday threatened rain all day, and saw periods of high winds but in the end, the rain held off. 

Sunday also saw a maximum score of 12 being awarded in tracking to Everest v.d. Landstrassen and owner/handler Bill Moyer. Working on an old track in high wind conditions on a steep bank while geese entered a nearby pond, the dog closely followed the scent trail. Nearby judges had an excellent view of all proceedings and reached the consensus that this, combined with the dog's other tracks, deserved the maximum number of points.

Great turnout both days. We had plenty of rabbit beaters and rabbits 

Handler Dan Carlisle releasing Brit vom Bullenfluss on a track

LR: Judge Joe Beiter, Judge Marty Ryan, Test Director/Coordinator Dan Crusey and Judge Jim Jones

Off to do some bird work...

Congratulations to Bill Moyer and Everest v.d. Landstrassen. High score on Sunday and a 12 in tracking. 

Scott Brosier releasing Dallas vom Kompass on a rabbit track Sunday

Brook Yoder with Amelia vom Steine Fluss

Judge Marty Ryan on Sunday

The judging group awarding and explaining scores for the bird work section to handlers and spectators on Sunday. 

LR: Josh Cutcher, Joel Williams, Nathan Zolocsik, Scott Broiser and Bill Moyer

Test Results

Saturday (4/10/21)

Senior Judge: Jim Jones (Elkhart, IN)
Judge: Joe Beiter (Pleasantville, OH)
Judge: Marty Ryan (Jonesville, MI)

Sunday (4/11/21)

Senior Judge: Marty Ryan (Jonesville, MI)
Judge: Joe Beiter (Pleasantville, OH)
Judge: Jim Jones (Elkhart, IN)
Apprentice: Rick Beale (Richmond, VA)


1 = Track
2 = Nose
3 = Search
4 = Pointing
5 = Cooperation