Plymouth, Indiana VJP Test Results (March 27 & 28, 2021)
The Great Lakes Chapter hosted a two day VJP at the St. Joseph Valley Beagle Club in Plymouth, Indiana March 27 & 28, 2021
First off a hearty congratulations to all the dogs and handlers who came out for the test. We had a total of 9 dogs for the weekend and all passed. This was the first of our three in-chapter VJPs this year and we're off to a great start! We had a nice mix of handlers, some seasons pros and others first timers (one even coming from as far as Georgia).
Saturday, was gorgeous weather, brisk but sunny in the morning and by afternoon, just a glorious spring day. On Sunday, the weather turned cold and windy with even a little spitting rain but that didn't dampen the spirits.
We'd like to thank our out-of-chapter Test Director and Senior judge Chris Jones. He came all the way out from Virginia and did an excellent job. Local judges Marty Ryan and Jim Jones also did an outstanding job. All three judges are experienced veterans of the VDD-GNA and it showed. Their helpful advise and friendly, calm demeanor set the tone for an informative and enjoyable test environment.
Thank you to Test Coordinator, Jim Husband and family. Jim's been doing this for many years and it shows. Both days ran like a well-oiled machine. Jim's son had the four wheeler ready to plant birds each morning and Jim's wife had delicious home-cooked pulled pork lunch ready and waiting for us at the clubhouse. You couldn't ask for much better.
Finally, thank you to the St. Joseph Valley Beagle Club. The Great Lakes Chapter is so fortunate to have a great relationship with such an excellent facility. Rabbits were literally everywhere which gave the judges ample opportunity to evaluate every dog thoroughly.
Saturday Test Results (3/27/21):
Sunday Test Results (3/28/21):
1 = Track
2 = Nose
3 = Search
4 = Pointing
5 = Cooperation
Saturday Handlers (L-R): Pat Verbeek, Bruce Peak, Christoph Konradt, Max Lenhard, Charles Conn
Sunday Handers (L-R... a much colder day): Christy Oman, Chris Wasserman, Kathleen Gannon, Stuart Spears

Chris Husband and his father Jim Husband (Test Coordinator).
Judges Marty Ryan, Chris Jones and Jim Jones (L-R on tailgate) at the end of the Saturday. Open judging is a great format. They all took the time to thoroughly explain the rationale behind each score and answer any questions. This is invaluable information for anyone handling dogs in any JGHV system test.

On Saturday, Senior Judge Chris Jones took some extra time after lunch to check some of the dogs height and coat.

Chapter Chairman Kathleen Gannon.

Chris Conn (hidden) releasing Dash vom Kompass on a rabbit track, Jim Jones judging (foreground).

The Verbeek's on Saturday with Dirk vom Kompass.

A big thanks to the St. Joseph Valley Beagle club for all the great rabbit tracking opportunities.