2021 Annual Meeting Minutes
Our Chapter's annual meeting was held on April 17, 2021 at Prairie Bells Barn in Belding, MI. The meeting was held in conjunction with both our Annual Breed show and a VJP that day.
Meeting Minutes
As submitted by GLC Business Manager Dan Carlisle
The annual meeting of The GLC VDD-GNA was called to order at 6:19 pm on 17 .04.2021 in Belding, Michigan by Kathleen Gannon.
Kathleen Gannon-Chair
Ivan Birkenstock-Vice Chair
Dan Carlisle- Business Manager
Chris Wasserman-Breed Warden
Lyndon Roeller-Assistant to the board
Approval of Agenda
The agenda was unanimously approved as distributed.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes were available to the members but not read during the meeting.
Executive Committee
We had 3 VJP Tests this spring with a total of 28 dogs tested. 20 dogs were tested in the Covid emergency test last June in Plymouth after all of the VJP’S were cancelled.
Dan Carlisle gave the financial report for the fiscal year.
Dan also reported on membership and we are currently at 119 members.
Barry Pickens made a motion to accept the finance report and Max Lenhard second the motion. The motion was accepted by the general membership.
Lyndon Roeller presented the website summary.
Launch Date: 04/March/2021
Total visitors: 2,522
Total # of sales: 20
Mailing list audience: 177
Email announcements sent: 13
Chris Wasserman gave the Breed Warden report.
GLC produced 8 litters with a total of 94 puppies.
22 Braun
54 Braunschimmel
18 Schwarzschimmel
Max made a motion to accept the Breed Wardens Report and Barry second the motion. The motion was accepted by the membership.
New Business
Kathleen: The GLC is hosting the annual meeting of the VDD-GNA in 2022. This requires a facility with lodging for members, meeting rooms and entertainment for family members. Due to Covid restrictions this year’s annual meeting has been combined with the Armbruster and there will be discussion on combining the two permanently. We will still need to have a plan to present at the annual meeting this fall.
Elections for GLC Board in 2022.
All positions are up please consider stepping up to the challenge and helping the GLC move forward.
Ivan: We need events to keep membership involved. Opportunity for training and fellowship.
Drahts and Brahts with training and cook-out.
Chad Hopp: suggested a 3–4-day woodcock, grouse hunt to get members together. He has hunting areas near lodging where members could meet. Ivan suggested an email to coordinate the hunt.
Jim Smith suggested a possible early season dove hunt in Indiana or Ohio to get members together. Ivan mentioned several possible locations in Indiana for a dove hunt on public ground.
Kathleen made a motion for Chad to host a hunt this fall and Max second the motion. The general membership voted unanimous to accept the motion.
Max Lenhard made a suggestion to purchase a $1200.00-$1500.00 gun to raffle off to raise funds for the club. Ivan asked do we set a date to draw the tickets or set a date for the raffle to end? Will Good offered to cover any losses on the raffle.
Possibly sell tickets on the GLC website. Max Lenhard made a motion to purchase the gun and Scott Brosier second the motion. The general membership voted unanimous to accept the motion.
Max Lenhard suggested having a trophy made for the high scoring VJP dog in the GLC, it will be a traveling trophy presented at the annual meeting each year.
Max made a motion, Scott Brosier second the motion and it was accepted unanimously by the membership.
Ivan Birkenstock: GLC Awards for long time service.
Anyone that wants to nominate a member for his or her service to the club will be able to do so on the website. The GLC would like to recognize these members at the national meeting of VDD-GNA for their service to the club.
Scott Brosier offered the use of Big Prairie near Belding, MI. for an HZP this year in early September.
Jim Smith and others are working on another possible site north of Detroit, MI.
New breed regulations: Chris Wasserman confirmed the changes for breeders registering their puppies with the VDD-GNA. For new regulations go to the VDD-GNA website members page, breeders, for breeders, then comprehensive instructions for breeders. Contact Chris with any questions regarding the new system.
General Membership open discussion
Will Good is trying to put together another HZP test grounds in North East MI. for fall 2022.
New member Levi Oman asked about contacting new GLC members to introduce them to the club and possible training groups. This was done in the past but has not been executed now for quite some time. Lyndon Roeller adds new members to the GLC email list when we receive their information from VDD GNA and this should help with keeping our new members informed.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 by Kathleen Gannon. Max Lenhard made a motion to adjourn and Jim Smith second the motion.